Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Reset of Canadian Society and the World


By: Stewart Brennan

The Great Reset [01] will not just be a global financial one, it will also be a reset of society with a sharp curve in freedoms including freedom of movement and freedom of speech where censorship will become the norm. Hell, it's already here! A second round of lockdowns are happening all over Europe, the commonwealth of countries and North America just as I said would happen in an article I wrote in August 2020 titled, “The COVID 2nd Wave Will Tear Our Communities Apart”[02]. All the OECD nations have continued their COVID collective madness by going into full clamp down on their citizens, province by province, state by state, nation by nation. The draconian laws they are imposing on citizens are destroying the fabric of our societies and economies as small business takes the full hit while the major corporations that are part of the economic cartel all get a green light to continue operating.

This time the OECD governments are using a rise in false positive COVID tests as the reason to destroy their people and their nations. Not only are the tests inaccurate (See Here [03a] and Here [03b)]) and produce false positives but these false results through the massive testing they are pushing on the public is being used as the reason to shut down society.

Why do our governments and mainstream media not provide evidence of this so called, serious pandemic? Do you see a stream of ambulances rushing down your streets? Are your Hospitals overflowing and burdened by a plague stricken population?! Or do you just believe what you are told by mainstream news and government? Where’s the professional proof and why are they locking us down!? Why are doctors, professors and professionals being censored when bringing the real facts and figures to light?![04] (See also here[05] and here[06])


Incremental steps to a full totalitarian dictatorship continue to roll out in Canada.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced [07] that his government has tapped the Canadian Military[08] to administer unproven and highly suspect vaccines[09] to the Canadian population. Vaccines that come from “for profit only” pharmaceutical corporations that have been given immunity from prosecution[10] by our government! Do you really trust these people?! I mean, prove to me that these vaccines are NOT dangerous! They can’t! Which is why they gave these corporations immunity from prosecution and rubber stamped their approval.

As mentioned in some of my earlier posts, those who refuse these very dangerous vaccines[11] will not be allowed to participate in community. Everyone's personal medical files are now online as I discovered and wrote about in my last article “Draconian COVID Laws Strangling Quebec Healthcare”[12]. Once they decide to remove the lockdown, there will be conditions imposed on the population. It’s fairly easy to assume that those who’ve had the unsafe shot will be allowed a “new normal” life, those who did not get the shot will remain in lockdown. They will use medical files which are now online to confirm if you received the vaccine or not. If you do not accept the vaccine, you will not be allowed to participate in society. That means, no concerts, no movies, no sports, no schools, no work, shopping, grocery stores, banks, government buildings etc. Nothing! Why are they forcing the vaccine on Canadian society by the Military?! Think about that! Do you think this is a conspiracy? Well it is a conspiracy, a real conspiracy which is an attack on our individual constitutional rights, freedoms and our communities!

We're all under surveillance in today’s online and cell phone world, a surveillance which is going to become worse. We are actually already there by virtue of the draconian COVID mask laws, lockdowns and mass censorship on people and communities. But as this BS COVID-19 operation continues to unfold, we will see each country become a sector or unit in this global reset and new world order that is being imposed by a consolidated economic cartel. (See World Economic Forum[01])

Government Dictatorship Expanding:

Buying Non essential items has become illegal in Manitoba[13] for the entire population, that means its illegal to buy Christmas presents which means no Christmas for the Children of Manitoba!! Let me tell you, I lived in Manitoba for two years (2007 to 2009) and saw how deeply disturbing the divide was between rich and poor. I lived it. Manitoba governments at every level are oppressive towards its people and are in bed with corporate interests. The population has suffered through massive poverty through low paying jobs, high inflation on housing, rent, food, energy and they are taxed on everything but the air they breathe…Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister should be tarred and feathered and then run out of town by the people of Manitoba for what he is doing.

In Ontario and Quebec, the Provincial governments of Ford and Legault are just as totalitarian and fascist as the Manitoba Premier, with their COVID legislation (Ontario [14] & Quebec [15]). Where laws are made to close down all small businesses but allow the major corporations to remain open!

For example, only big corporate restaurants are allowed to open but the little guy is squashed and forced to close under severe penalty of the law where an army of police will descend on these family businesses, close them, fine and arrest the owners.

Adam Skelly of Adamson Barbeque, the working class restaurateur who defied Toronto’s pandemic lockdown, was arrested[16], handcuffed, and taken away by Toronto police. He was released 30 hours later on a $50,000.00 dollar bail!! with strict bail conditions imposed by Toronto's medical officer of health who ordered Adamson BBQ’s locks changed, the building seized and that Adam Skelly must stay 200 metres away from Adamson Barbecue. He cannot operate or direct any business except in accordance with Ontario’s Reopening Act. He is forbidden from communicating on all social media platforms and must obey orders and laws handed down by Ontario’s chief medical officer of health Dr. David Williams and Toronto’s medical officer of health, Dr. Eileen de Villa. Adam Skelly will appear in court again on Jan. 4, 2021…his fight continues.

If that’s not totalitarian governance, I don’t know what is…all across Canada Draconian laws are being implemented with severe retaliation by authorities including massive fines[17], jail and violent arrests.

Adam’s fight continues but it’s not his fight alone, it is OUR FIGHT!

If you don't see the abuse of power[18] then you’ve been indoctrinated into a totalitarian plot much the same way the people of Germany were in the 1930’s. It's people like that who allow totalitarianism to grow and take hold in a nation.

Every atrocity in history happened because the public gave away their freedoms to the state which promised safety from some orchestrated menace. THIS is such a time.

I will also point out that when totalitarianism was defeated in the past, those who were the instruments of violence all claimed that they were just following orders…


All the WWII soldiers that served to protect our countries from fascism must be rolling in their graves!

The Economic Reset of 2021

The coming economic reset in 2021 will embrace, push and activate a 5G microwave soup that will, in essence, bathe you in deadly microwave radiation and put you behind electronic bars. In other words, you will not be able to go anywhere without the states knowledge. You’ll have zero freedom without privacy, you will not be allowed to complain about it because if you do, you will experience the belligerent side of totalitarianism, the degree of which will depend on how defiant you are and how sensitive the topic is for the state, (Think China)…just ask independent news journalists or whistleblowers about their past and current experiences such as Bradley Manning or Julian Assange! Hell, ask anyone on the street all over the world protesting their lockdowns!

The only humans that will have total freedom are the economic cartels puppet masters and their governing sector politicians who own controlling shares of everything on this planet… and they are NOT nice people as you must attest to by now!

Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss and don’t bother getting on your knees to pray, for it is not going to go away…you’ve all been fooled again.

China Rises

China rises without the western styled lockdown, mostly because China had already taken their citizens freedom away years ago…where questioning the state will forbid a citizen to travel or depending on sensitivity and exposure, provide a citizen with a one-way ticket to their penal system or whatever comes next after an execution for not obeying their “LAWS”.

China has been embraced by the World Economic forum as a model that the western economic cartel will put in place to lead the next century. Hell, China has been given most of the western manufacturing capacity and the energy to power itself into being! None of it could have happened without the blessing of the economic cartel, and your successive governments through the corporate and banking economic system that has controlled the economic direction of the world for the past 300 years.

5G & The Digital Future

China has already turned their country into a digital police state, but so has the west through mega corporations, social media, mainstream media and governments connected to the western economic cartel. The article, “Digital Authoritarianism, China and COVID[19] written by Lydia Khalil are exactly what the economic cartel are implementing all over the world through the COVID-19 operation. The end result will be a world population controlled by a Digital New World Order where all of your information, medical records, banking information, social media history, and activity will be recorded and available 24-7, with strict laws prohibiting speech, movement, actions and defiance to government dictates.

The reason we are seeing the long duration of this COVID event in the west is because, the west is 2 years behind China’s 5G technology. A technology that is not completely in place in North America and Europe yet but is rapidly going live in China. 5G and AI technology with their invasive operations will end our freedom and privacy. The “Fourth Industrial Revolution[20] declared by the World Economic Forum is what will power the dystopian future if left in the hands of the governing tyrants…here is your job creator in the west with a massive re-education program now currently taking place in schools and on the streets streamlined through by the draconian COVID laws being implemented throughout Europe and North America.

The old U.S. economic reserve currency shoe is about to fall with a new economic system already up and running…and waiting…when combined with the COVID-19 operation you get the perfect storm for transformation from old to new, but with a Chinese styled totalitarian governance which has unfolded on our western communities through a series of intrusive government laws and dictates.

The new economic reset planned by the global economic cartel, that is found in detail on the “World Economic Forums” website is going to consolidate everyone into its digital matrix. Say goodbye to your privacy and your freedoms, your owners have spoken and they don’t like anyone that disobeys them…just ask anyone that has defied their mask and lockdown laws.

Fighting Back

James Corbitt recently said [21], "If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty. You are complicit in murder." Yes, I would have to agree with that statement, because its true.

For all of you fearful COVID freaks who get a dopamine high by all the fear mongering, there is something more dangerous coming your way, it’s called totalitarianism and its being rolled out under the guise of COVID-19 laws that will not disappear as the moral ethical leadership in our communities have. Draconian governance is going to stay long after the COVID operation has been completed, and yes, a New World Order will rise by your dependence on a system that has you in a cage of fear. Our only chance to stop this tyranny from stomping out freedom, independence and community forever is to stand up and fight! Defy everything they throw at us! Refuse their lockdowns, their mask laws, their gathering restrictions, their business closings, their protest restrictions, their mandatory testing, and their pseudo-vaccines! Put your fears aside and Join us to save our communities and way of life! A revolution has begun in almost every western nation and it must grow if we are to defeat totalitarianism and those in power that wield it to destroy our communities.

The public has not been included in any type of future planning. We are only to obey draconian laws and accept what they have in store for us…they are supposed to do what “we say”, not the other way around. So, demand a seat at the table. Fight for your future! Defiance to the unjust laws imposed on our small businesses, communities and way of life is our duty as citizens! Fight for your children, grandchildren and the many generations after who will be forever enslaved if we do not act now. END the LOCKDOWNS and OPEN UP SOCIETY! Now is the time to rise up! Rise and FIGHT!

This is how it begins!

Protest in Toronto Nov 28, 2020 [22]

[04] Council Meeting Privately Recorded in EDMONTON Alberta Canada With Dr Roger Hodkinson
[05] Epidemiologist Dr Knut Wittkowski - 'There is no fundamental difference between the flu and COVID'
[06] Doctors Sharing the Truth that Your Masks Do Not Protect you from Coronavirus
[07] Trudeau Turns to Military to Distribute Vaccines to Canada
[08] Ex-NATO mission head tapped to lead Canada's COVID-19 vaccine rollout
[09] Dirty Vaccines – Every Human Vaccine Tested
[10] Exempting Big Pharma from COVID-19 Vaccines Liability
[11] Vaccination – Basic Concerns
[12] Draconian COVID Laws Strangling Quebec Healthcare
[13] Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister is the “Premier Who Stole Christmas”
[14] Ontario Government - COVID-19: Orders & Bylaws
[15] Quebec Government - Instructions and directives (COVID-19)
[16] Adamson BBQ'S Adam Skelly Arrested
[17] Massive Fines
[18] Ontario’s Abuse of Police Powers
[19] Digital Authoritarianism, China and COVID
[20] The Fourth Industrial Revolution
[21] What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns
[22] Protest in Toronto Nov 28, 2020 

Additional LINKS:

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Draconian COVID Laws Strangling Quebec Healthcare

By: Stewart Brennan

Visits to Quebec Clinics and Hospital have changed...

November 01, 2020 - I went to a medical clinic on November 01st, 2020 in the morning for chronic pain in my back and weakness down my left side...I was the only person in line waiting for the clinic to open. When the medical clinic did open, they blocked the front door and handed me a paper saying to call the number on it for a phone consultation or go to the hospital across the street. They were not seeing anyone, and the place was empty except for the few staff it had working…working on what, I don’t know.

So, I went to the hospital across the street (the only hospital on the West Island of Montreal) and it was practically "Empty" there was almost no one there and only three people in the emergency waiting ambulances, no people in the corridors, and the parking lot was mostly empty when it is usually filled to over capacity. On top of that, there was little to no waiting time to see a doctor, not that I minded, considering that wait times were usually 8 hours on a slow day. However, x-rays had to be scheduled for another day because they had no staff. I had to wait for a phone call to confirm an appointment for an MRI...fine…

The doctor at the hospital emergency gave me a prescription for pain, a prescription for inflammation, a prescription for a back-brace belt and a paper for physiotherapy. I guess he wanted to cover all the bases since he didn’t feel protected enough to come near me with his gown, mask, gloves, and face-shield to check my back. He asked me if I had a family doctor, which I replied “no”. He looked at me as if to say how come? Well the reason I would have told him was that the way things operate in Quebec is that to get a family doctor, you go on a waiting list and I still haven’t heard back from them since I first applied in 2009. The doctor seemed puzzled and said well you need a doctor to get the results of your MRI…ok, well I don’t have one, now what? He paused for a moment and said, “if your x-ray appointment is in the morning come back in the afternoon to get your results. If your x-ray appointment is in the afternoon, come back the next day for your results”. I asked him, “could I just phone the hospital for the results?” He said, “No, you have to come to the hospital for them.”

”Ok so then who do I see?”

The Doctor mumbled something under his shield and mask and then said “just come to emergency, and if you’re not sure, ask the radiologist he should know. (end of consultation.)

On November 7th, 2020, I Went to the hospital for a scheduled MRI on my lower back. I noticed again, that the parking lot was practically empty. Security was at the door to ask me why I was there. I showed him the doctors request and told them I was there for an MRI. He then pointed and said, “Radiology is down the hall to your left but wash your hands here keep your mask on and follow the arrows on the floor. I guess they thought I’d lose my way?

As I looked around, I noticed there was no one else in the hallways and when I arrived at radiology, there was no one waiting there either. I Had to ring a buzzer to alert the Radiologist and then wait for him to speak through an intercom to tell me that I could now open the locked door. He then told me to use sanitizer on my hands because of covid…(that’s twice I had to use sanitizer in about 45 seconds) Glad they didn't ask me to discard and burn my clothes because I didn't bring any spare freshly sanitized clothing or shoes with me...the MRI took 20 minutes and at the end I asked the radiologist about where I go for the results because I didn't have a family doctor. He suggested I go see my doctor at the clinic across the street, to which I replied, the clinics are closed and only accept phone consultations and so I came to the hospital instead. That surprized him, so he sent me around the corner to emergency to find out how I was to get my results. At emergency, there was another security guard who asked me to wash my hands and asked me why I was there and did I travel outside the country recently…the country is in lockdown, how could I travel outside the country?

Anyhow, I looked around and counted 5 people in the waiting room and found out that there were only two nurses on duty at emergency. The nurse I spoke to behind a sealed window did not know how I could get my results either after I explained to her that my MRI appointment was made by a doctor that I saw from emergency last week. She then wrote down a website and slipped the paper to me around the plexi shield and told me that I could find all of my medical history including my MRI results “ONLINE” and if I needed a family doctor, I could find one there…full pause…wait? What? All of my medical history is “ONLINE!?” That thought really disturbed me so I asked, “What about a follow up after the MRI?” She didn’t have an answer and sent me to admissions…so I followed the yellow brick road to admissions, and of course there was no one in the hallways, no people noise either. Surprising since the mainstream media are saying that our health services are over burdened and under extreme pressure…they certainly are not…

At admissions, the person there was surprised to see me since she only handled moving patients to rooms (wash your hands ☹). I explained the story from the beginning…clinics closed, saw emergency doctor last week, scheduled an MRI, had the MRI today, needed to find out where I was to get my results, I did not have a family doctor. She was very helpful and did the internal department runaround for me by phone; good thing too because my hands were starting to sting from the red dry skin and over use of sanitizer that was mandatory at every department…I might need to make an appointment with a dermatologist…never mind, ditch that idea…)

After talking to about 10 different people who didn’t know the answer and who also sent her in a loop to the moon and back. She finally narrowed it down to 3 departments she handed me a piece of paper and told me to call the numbers on the paper to find out…I thanked her for the help and proceeded towards the front door where the security guards were, who then stopped me and told me to go around the other way to exit the hospital…??? Oh crap, I didn’t follow the arrows on the floor, I should have used the other door 6 feet away to exit the hospital…

On November 20, 2020, after waiting almost two weeks, I called the hospital on my land line (I don’t have a cell phone) to inquire about the results from my MRI. There was barely any wait at all except for the phone drone that had to go through the very long COVID procedures program in French and English. (At least their drone was also programmed in English) For those that don’t know, the English population are, and have been treated with utter disrespect by the successive Quebec governments that have come to power since 1976…part of an old divide and conquer program that is still running when it comes to language and community…but that’s a conversation for another day.

As the social distance, mask up, wash your hands, isolation program ended, I was prompted to enter the extension I was given by the helpful person at admissions two weeks earlier.

A person at the end of the line picked up; I then introduced myself and told her the story from the beginning…clinics closed, saw emergency doctor two weeks ago, scheduled an MRI, had the MRI, needed to find out how I was to get my results, I did not have a family doctor. The woman on the line asked for my name, birth, etc., etc. But since I had all the hospital papers I acquired two weeks earlier from emergency in front of me I asked her if it would help if I gave my hospital file number instead; when she said “yes” I gave her the first three digits of a six digit number where she quickly cut in and finished the remaining numbers and mentioned the doctor I saw in emergency did not have a clinic there…

How is that possible? They already knew who I was and the doctor I saw at emergency, so our identification and medical files must be brought up on their computer screens just by the phone connection. How convenient is that? In other words, your phone connection gives away who you are. The questions they ask are just a confirmation of the info already up in front of them…I suppose if you have a land line usually several people reside at the residence so they can choose which persons file to open whereas if you have a cell phone, there is usually only one owner at the number. So, this confirms, at least to me, that phone number recognition is in use which pulls up all your medical history before you are even prompted for your ID.

Anyhow, the lady at the Ambulatory center said that the emergency doctor I saw did not have a clinic at the hospital and that I would need to see my family doctor to get the results…deep breath…exhale…”I don’t have a family doctor…”. So she told me to go to the clinic…”the clinics are closed” I said and “you can only call for a consultation”…she told me, “that’s what you need to do, make an appointment for a phone consultation”…big exhale…so I called the clinic and explained the story, and gave them my healthcare card number. They said a doctor would phone me within the next 4 hours. Ok, at least I was making backwards progress. I waited for five hours when the phone finally rang. (land line) The person on the other end of the phone apologized and said that a doctor would not be able to call you tonight but that one would call between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm the next day…ok, well at least I wasn’t in an empty clinic waiting room when receiving that info.

November 21st, 2020 – The doctor called at 9:20 am. He wanted to know why I needed to see a doctor and when I gave him all the details, he decided he wanted to see me right away at the clinic; as long as I could make it before 10:30 am because there would be another doctor replacing him on shift. He told me to just give my name at the door and they will let me in. No problem. At last I’m getting somewhere.

I arrived at the Statcare clinic by 10:00 am with one person in front of me waiting at the clinic door that was blocked by a table. She was waiting for a doctors note for work. The head nurse that served her also looked at me and asked why I was there. I told her that the doctor had phoned me and wanted to see me before he left at 10:30 am. “You’ll have to wait the clinic’s over crowded at the moment!” I looked inside the clinic and all I saw were 2 doctors 4 nurses and 2 patients who were not seated in the empty seating area…”Over crowded?”…

After the person in front of me received her get out of work free paper, a second older nurse looked at me and asked, “are you two together? I said, “No, I was here to see a doctor who called…and…wanted…to…see me” before I could get all my words out, she barked at me saying move away your too close to her!” Ohhhh boy…1…2…3…breathe…I stepped back, waited a bit and paced back and forth for 15 minutes when the head nurse came back. “Can I help you?” I’m here to see the doctor…and your name is? As I gave her my name, she immediately began asking all the questions cough? Fever? Out of country? Etc…she took out a plastic bag and said to put my coat hat and all your belongings into the bag. Take off the mask you are wearing and put on this new mask…put your old mask in your bag. Put out your hands…she sprayed my hands with sanitizer told me to scrub and then put a temperature monitor up to my head like a gun before moving the table away from the door, she said, “wait over there until they call you”…I felt like I was being processed by a military drill sergeant…

The head nurse called me a few minutes later and escorted me into an examination room to wait for a doctor…I verified that there were only two patients in the clinic including me, but they were, “Over Crowded”?...

Finally, I got to meet the doctor, who was thorough and then revealed that he only had the preliminary results for the MRI but that radiology suggested a hemo evaluation of my blood because of a deformity on my lower back bone with a follow up with a hematologist. (Good thing I called then!!) The doctor said he would make a request for the hematologist and that they would call me to set up an appointment but that I would need a blood test done. So, he gave me a paper for a blood test and marked it urgent. He then revealed that all blood tests at the hospital are now by appointment only but since mine was marked “urgent” I would not have to make an appointment and to go Monday Nov 23 or Tuesday Nov 24…hmmm…I’ll make sure that I make the appointment anyways since no one in the medical community seems to be connected with each others routines anymore. He told me that all the results will go back to him at the Statcare clinic, so, at least I have a temporary doctor. (To Be Continued)


Medical Clinics are closed…i.e.: only phone consultations will be given, seems to me a strange way to diagnose someone don’t you think? You can go to the hospital and see a doctor, but if you want results you need a family doctor and if you don’t have one, you need to make an appointment at a local clinic for a doctor to send you to the hospital to give you your results. The Hospitals are not overburdened as we are being told by mainstream media and government. So why are they lying?...perhaps the government is very happy and satisfied that it is costing them a fraction of what it was costing them before? for the media...?

Before the COVID BS, if you went to a hospital, the doctor that saw you would also follow up with results…if you went to a clinic and the doctor there scheduled x-rays or tests most of them would be handled at the clinic (some for a fee) but you could also go to the hospital with a paper for things like blood tests. The waiting room at the hospital for blood tests was the largest in the hospital and always filled to capacity 1 hour before the station opened…the que moved fast but there was always a two to three hour wait depending on how early you got there. Thousands of blood tests were done everyday, “EVERYDAY!) at the hospital, their parking lot was always FULL and emergency was also crowded with people including a constant stream of ambulances…that’s what I would call over burdened…but that is not the case today. I think people are not going to the hospital because of all the fear porn being pushed by the government and mainstream media…and that includes people who really do need to see a doctor for serious medical problems. But at the same time, the hospitals and clinics are functioning as if people are a real burden to them and so the people are discouraged from going.

I don’t have a family doctor, mostly because I don’t require very much medical attention and prefer not to go to a hospital unless urgently required. Although my mind is starting to flip out with the shutdown of society, so I might need a little observation other than by the digital state security that intrudes on my daily online activity…

All Our Private & Personal Information is Now Online

Considering that all my medical history is now online and can be easily hacked by anyone who wants it including corporations that have my phone number, I’m starting to worry about how fast the police state is descending on our communities. Oh, and by the way, all “YOUR” medical history is online also for anyone that really wants to see it, including all those conveniently hacked corporations that govern the Internet…or by foreign governments that have a close relationship with our government…So why has the government made all of our private medical history available online? Could future covid tests and mandatory vaccine proof be linked with medical records and your phone? Well, I’ve just given you testimony that indeed, “Yes” they already have that in waiting. In fact, that is precisely what the World Economic Forum’s[01] little promotional video was about, using your phone to prove you have been tested for covid or had a vaccine. All your medical files, banking information etc are online and will be used in a police state manner for access to everything. That’s what is coming in 2021… 

If you are not alarmed by the direction we are heading in, you should be, because everything is now digital and online. “The Great Economic Reset”[02] that emerges out of operation COVID-19 is coming in 2021 which will put an end to community living and social interaction that we once held so dear…hell, destruction of community is already a fact[03]!

Societies all over the world are under draconian lockdown laws that prohibits most of our freedoms including the right to gather and travel which also comes with massive censorship of professionals and alternative media which is growing at an alarming rate, while small businesses, which make up 60% of the economy are being forced to close or are severely limited by government law and enforcement.

Our freedom of movement has been restricted, while our gatherings and social activities have been banned or limited while we are made to follow strict social distancing laws or be fined outrageous sums in the thousands of dollars / pounds / Euros. Hospitals and clinics are virtual security lockdown zones and not over burdened as we are being told; they are empty. People are either afraid to go to the hospital or they are met with frustrating can't get in without an appointment, nor can you accompany someone inside either. 

Your freedoms are not coming back and your personal online digital files are already complete with medical records, banking information, purchases, location, social network trails, habits and everything you might not realize about yourself. A police state is rapidly emerging with facial recognition technologies, and is in every country connected to the global economic cartel…You and I and our families are now the targets.

COVID-19[04] is / was like any other flu that comes around every year.

As someone who is learned, I prefer to get my information by investigation and by listening to professionals including people like DR. Roger Hodkinson[05] who I have trust in…I don’t believe or listen to what the government or mainstream media have to say because they do not have my best interests in hand. 

I don’t believe COVID-19 to be anything more than a bad flu season, but don’t take my word for it, listen to what Dr. Roger Hodkinson has to say about COVID-19 and government over reaction.

Photo: Dr Roger Hodkinson - CEO & Medical Director – MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP  

Here's the video link. Let's see how long it stays up on YouTube before censorship eliminates it.

And, just in case the recording is censored and removed by YouTube / Google / Facebook / Twitter, etc, here’s the voice transcript in its entirety of what he said: 

"This is Dr. Hodkinson I just wanted to let you know I’m standing by."

"OK ,well we would love to hear from you the floor is yours."

"Thank you very much. I do appreciate the opportunity to address you on this very important matter. What I’m going to say is lay language, and blunt. It is counter-narrative, and so you don’t immediately think I’m a quack I’m going to briefly outline my credentials so that you can understand where I’m coming from in terms of knowledge base in all of this.

I’m a medical specialist in pathology which includes virology. I trained at Cambridge University in the UK. I'm the ex-president of the pathology section of the Medical Association. I was previously an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine doing a lot of teaching. I was The Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada Examination Committee and Pathology in Ottawa but more to the point I’m currently the chairman of a bio technology company in North Carolina selling the COVID-19 test.

And [inaudible] you might say I know a little bit about all of this. The bottom line is simply this:

There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season.

This is not Ebola. It's not SARS. It’s politics playing medicine and that’s a very dangerous game. There is no action of any kind needed other than what happened last year when we felt unwell. We stayed home, we took chicken noodle soup, we didn’t visit granny, and we decided when we would return to work. We didn’t need anyone to tell us.

Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling. They’re not even worn effectively most of the time. It’s utterly ridiculous. Seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people-- I’m not saying that in a pejorative sense--seeing these people walking around like lemmings, obeying without any knowledge base, to put the mask on their face.

Social distancing is also useless because Covid is spread by aerosols which travels 30 meters or so before landing. Enclosures have had such terrible unintended consequences. Everywhere should be opened tomorrow as well as was stated in the Great Barrington declaration[07] that I circulated prior to this meeting.

And a word on testing: I do want to emphasize that I’m in the business of testing for Covid. I do want to emphasize that positive test results do not, underlined in neon, mean a clinical infection. It’s simply driving public hysteria and all testing should stop. Unless you’re presenting to hospital with some respiratory problem.

All that should be done is to protect the vulnerable and to give them all in the nursing homes that are under your control, give them all 3000 to 5000 international units of vitamin D every day which has been shown to radically reduce the likelihood of Infection.

And I would remind you all that using the province's own statistics, the risk of death under 65 in this province is one in 300,000. One in 300,000.

You’ve got to get a grip on this. The scale of the response that you are undertaking with no evidence for it is utterly ridiculous given the consequences of acting in a way that you're proposing. All kinds of suicides, business closures, funerals, weddings etc. it’s simply outrageous!

It’s just another bad flu and you’ve got to get your minds around that. Let people make their own decisions. You should be totally out of the business of medicine. You’re being led down the garden path by the chief medical officer of health for this province. I am absolutely outraged that this is reached this level. It should all stop tomorrow. Thank you very much."

Quebec’s First COVID-19 Tests

I was one of the first persons from Quebec to Be Tested for COVID-19.

On January 26th, 2020, I was forced to go to the hospital by the company I worked for to get a doctor’s note for being off work sick. I usually don’t get sick during flu season other than a mild bug but in January 2020 the flu knocked me off my feet for a week…This was just about the time where the media started hyping up the corona virus fear which became COVID-19.

This virus, the corona virus is the flu. A flu bug regardless of the hype mainstream media and government throw at the is my account of what happened to me regarding the flu, and my visit to the Statcare medical clinic and Lakeshore General hospital in January 2020.

I worked for a Chinese company in 2019 / 2020 and met a person from Wuhan China with a number of fellow workers. We all dined on a company sponsored Chinese buffet for the months worth of birthdays and of course Chinese New Year. Coincidence or not, 72 hours later I had the Flu. A very common occurrence here in Canada during fall and winter. What I had not anticipated was the panic that ensued after I went to the hospital for a mandatory doctors paper and having to answer the many, many questions that the doctors and nurses asked over the course of the day...

I went to the Statcare medical clinic in Pointe Claire which was filled to capacity with people who had flu symptoms (Over burdened Clinic = + $$$!). After about two hours or so in the waiting room, I saw a doctor who was thorough in the questions she asked about my flu symptoms, contacts, when I had it, how long etc and she concurred that I had the flu but was past the contagious stage and could go home. I went to the clinic because my company forced me to go and get a doctor’s note for being off sick. One might say that because corporations demand sick notes from doctors, our medical clinics and hospitals are over burdened because everyone is told that they need a doctor’s paper for missing work or they wont get paid.

Anyhow, as the doctor handed me a note for work and I was about to leave, the head nurse at the clinic decided to quarantine me, regardless of the doctors opinion. The doctor had cleared me because I was past the flu’s infectious stage and could go home. The head nurse abruptly stopped the doctor and said “NO” and then proceeded to send me to the Lakeshore General hospital emergency ward across the street to be quarantined; and she gave strict orders to wear the special mask she said needed to be properly fitted on me and not to be taken off. I was to go directly to the Lakeshore General Hospital Emergency where they will be expecting me. I thought, “Wow, the head nurse had a say over the doctor?” 

At the Hospital, the triage nurse, who seemed put out was very confrontational, she asked me a series of questions including if I was still taking my blood pressure medication…??? I thought, “that was strange, what does that have to do with anything?" 

In answer to her abrupt question, I told her that I decided to use diet and exercise instead of taking pharmaceuticals. She then took my blood pressure as if physically chastising a child and said that my blood pressure was 195…that unnerved me…195 are you kidding!?

Anyhow, the first doctor I saw came in covered head to toe with protection, asked me the same questions the clinic had asked and then tried to get out of the room as fast as possible when I answered him that I had met someone from Wuhan and that I had the flu. (LMAO!)

A couple of hours passed until I saw the 2nd doctor who was an Infection specialist (Virologist). He was also covered head to toe with protection. He asked me more searching questions, where I gave him the name and number of a coworker (CFO) who would be able to tell him if anyone else at the office was sick and then he left the room...a couple of hours later, the specialist returned saying they could not reach the person I gave the contacts for and that they were waiting for a provincial representative to come down and ask me more questions...a couple of hours later...this woman shows up with protective disposables on with a complete face shield. She had two forms prepared with questions, wanting to know just about everything I'd done in the past two weeks...she was very scared / nervous and looked like she really didn't want to be there. Once all her questions were answered, she left the room in a hurry and didn't come back.

Two hours later, the specialist showed up again and took nose and throat samples to send to a “Special Provincial lab” where he told me that they were only equipped to handle two tests a day and so I would have to stay in the current room until the Provincial lab results were back. It was at this moment I explained to the doctor that I would be better served by taking care of myself at home since in the time that I was in the hospital, (8+ hours) I was given no food, water, blanket, pillow, bathroom break or aspirins...the blanket that did come with the gurney had a wad of gum washed into it (more than once by the look of the black stains on the edge of the sheet where it was lodged) and besides, I was no longer contagious as per the Statcare doctor... 

Long story short, they let me go home but I had to wear the mask until I entered my apartment and stay home until I received a phone call from the Provincial lab clearing me.

The Doctor called 48 hours later to say he got the test results back and let me know it wasn’t the Corona Virus but Influenza “B”. When I look it all up, its all still the flu.

AND by the way, it turns out the triage Nurse lied to me about my blood pressure as well. I mentioned to the doctor about the triage nurse’s two measurements of my blood pressure (Right arm, left arm) including her mannerism and reply that my blood pressure was 195. So, he went back to check the records, called me back about 10 minutes later and said the recorded numbers in triage were 151 over 104 on the right arm and 145 over 104 on the left...he mentioned that the 104 is high and could be caused by stress on the day. But he wanted a follow up with me to make sure and all I had to do was go to the Ambulance center at the hospital and let them know that he wanted to see me on such and such a day. All went well.

So, as I think back to the triage nurse’s line of questions about previous medication, I told her I wasn't on any meds but she got out of me that I had stopped my blood pressure pills a year and a half earlier...I think she was trying to scare me into accepting big pharma reliance with remarks like you risk stroke with blood pressure so high (195).

The pills I stopped taking didn’t do a thing for my blood pressure, nor did the cholesterol pills, however, diet and exercise did. If anything, I find that the cardiologists prescription was more of an imposed corporate pharmaceutical tithe than anything else since I have been borderline for the last 20 years both in blood pressure (145 / 80) and cholesterol (2.9 to 3.3). Diet and exercise work wonders…

Influenza “A” & “B” circulate around the world every year. Their potency fluctuates from year to year. 2020 was a bad year. I had Influenza “B” and it was a very strong virus. I’m sure others had it as well but we’ll probably never know because everything is marked COVID-19…

The COVID-19 pandemic was and is over hyped. It was last years version of the flu, nothing more nothing less...but I feel that if someone were to investigate something, they should look into “WHY” most of the flu deaths came from elderly care homes in Canada…elderly care homes where many peoples immune systems are weak and where the flu vaccine is mandatory…I would start my investigation right there even though I know for a fact that thousands of our elderly die every year due to the complications brought on by the annual influenza and having to battle other illnesses which had already weakened their immune systems...
2020 May 15 - Premier mulls complete overhaul of Quebec's long-term care institutions
2020 May 22 - 600 Physicians Say Lockdowns Are A ‘Mass Casualty Incident’
2020 Jun 05 - Prince Charles Says Pandemic a Chance to 'Think Big and Act Now

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Unregulated Trade with China is Destroying the North American Environment


By: Stewart Brennan

In early May 2020, while on a daily walk, I noticed a number of tree’s in my area that had not grown their leaves. It seemed strange that they were so late, especially when everything else was flourishing.

As spring turned towards summer, it became clear that these trees were not late in blooming at all but were dead or dying. I became more concerned and so I drove around the West Island of Montreal looking to see if it was just my neighbourhood that was affected…it wasn’t, as I found many more dead trees in the neighbouring communities.…

I decided to do a little research to find out which species of tree they were and what could have killed them. I pulled a few leaves from a dying tree near my home to positively identify them and after a brief search on the internet, I found that the trees were “Green Ash”[01] that were categorized as “critically endangered” due primarily to the "Emerald Ash Borer"[02], a beetle that comes from "China".

The Ash trees are also susceptible to urban pollution which could have explained why so many trees were wiped out at the same time, but since there was a reduction in pollution during the COVID lock-down, it didn’t fit the picture. In fact, for the first time in a long time, we could actually breathe the air in Montreal due to absence of air and road traffic.

During this time, parks and maintenance personnel were scaled back, which I thought might also explain why the pest advanced so quickly, but after further reading, I found that there is no sure quick fix for this pest, so it couldn’t be the reason the trees died so quickly.

Anyhow, I decided to go back to the park near my home to investigate further by removing the bark from some of the trees and found to my dismay that it was indeed the “Emerald Ash Borer”. It’s very alarming and distressing to see so many dead and dying trees in my region, some of which were very old.

Dead Ash Trees in Local Forest Patch

Forest of Young Dead Ash Trees

Green Ash Tree Trunk showing Emerald Ash Borer Holes

Dead Green Ash Tree showing devastation of the Emerald Ash Borer

2020 Green Ash Trees (Left: Dying Tree - Right: Healthy Tree)

Photos: S.Brennan

Spreading Infestation

The sudden onset of this pest was truly disturbing and I felt that it could have been prevented if China had actually practiced some sort of safety precautions or adhered to western health and safety regulations. But because China does not hold health, safety or environment issues with any serious concern, infestations have come to North America directly through shipping containers, and as such, are destroying the North American environment. 

Economic Shift

When most of the high paying North American manufacturing jobs were outsourced to China, Chinese imports to the USA and Canada began to spike. North American’s were then left with menial lower paying jobs in warehouse receiving, shipping and container unloading.

The North American rules for container cargo are explicit when it comes to infestations. Containers must be fumigated. However, even though certificates are placed on the inside of containers, stating that the container had been fumigated at the source, a wide array of insects have still been found in containers for a number of reasons including; holes in the containers mainly due to wear, damage and or rust, rubber door seals that are severely worn, broken, or missing altogether, and lax environmental rules from the exporting countries. I have personally seen and experienced all of these things over the past few years, so if this disregard for the North American environment persists, infestations imported from China and other places are not going to stop anytime soon.

Safety Regulations?

The safety regulations are extremely lax in China, with many problems that directly effect the North American environment. The “Emerald Ash Borer” is just one of many destructive insects that have made their way from China to North America.

The “Asian Longhorn Beetle”[03] is another example of a dangerous pest brought to North America from Korea, Japan, and China. The beetle infests maple, poplar, willow, and elm trees causing damage to these trees as well. In fact, there are many invasive and destructive Asian bugs that have made their way to North America through container shipping such as theCommon Pine Shoot Beetle”[04], “The Formosan Subterranean Termite”[05], “The Cabinet Beetle”[06], “The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug”[07], “The Asian Tiger Mosquito”[08] and many others. The question is, when will Chinese and North American environmental regulation governance bring these devastating incidents to an end? How many more disastrous surprises should we expect in the future? One way or another, we are going to find out, and that being the hard way…unless or course shipping comes to a complete stop, but who are we kidding when all parties are more interested in making money than upholding moral responsibility.


Many invasive species from Asia have made their way to North America via container shipments and the packaging materials used.

But on top of the invasive bug species coming from Asia, there is also a major problem with the vast amounts of disposable, recyclable and unrecyclable packaging materials from the products inside the containers themselves. Most of it is thrown straight into corporate dumpsters which then find their way to our landfills. The amount of waste has grown exponentially over the years due to most everything now being made in China. The environmental impact has been catastrophic.

Thousands of companies across North America fill their garbage bins with tens of millions of tons of non carton packaging materials from China every year. Styrofoam, plastic wrap, paper of all kinds, steel and plastic strap, wood, fasteners, corner boards, linens, etc. Most of it, if not all, ends up polluting our environment while also carrying the potential threat of the next invasive species.

North American Corporations are not regulated or forced to recycle packaging materials, nor are container rules rigid enough to prevent the continuing damage to our North American environment from invasive species. Either we address these problems now or it will be too late for the trees, plants or crops in your community as it is for the Green Ash Trees in mine.



[01] Green Ash

[02] Emerald Ash Borer

[03] The Asian Long Horned Beetle

[04] Common Pine Shoot Beetle

[05] The Formosan Subterranean Termite

[06] The Cabinet Beetle

[07] Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

[08] Asian Tiger Mosquito

Additional Links:

Regional List of Pests affecting Tree Populations

Friday, August 7, 2020

The COVID 2nd Wave Will Tear Our Communities Apart


By: Stewart Brennan 

When the new flu season arrives in autumn 2020, our western governments and mainstream news media are preparing to go into overdrive and declare (without evidence) that the 2nd wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is here. The fact is, they’re already pushing this narrative by declaring that there’s an uptick in COVID-19 cases and so governments around the world are now imposing mandatory mask laws on the population (see here and here) with added threats of national lock-downs!

The entire COVID-19 narrative has been hyped up beyond stupid and bulled through on the global population by national governments around the world without providing any credible evidence, and when actual data is provided by Investigative Journalists, doctors and professionals on social media for all to see, they are censored and removed by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and major Internet search engines such as Google. The practice is Orwellian, as it censors free speech and is in collusion with the U.N. World Health Organization and its corporate financiers.

To make things worse, the fear driven COVID-19 narrative is being pushed by mainstream media that does not provide investigative journalism. Together, they are all working against the population of the world and our communities by silencing professionals and their data on COVID-19, a virus that has proven to be no worse than the seasonal flu.

In reality, there will be no second wave, however, there will be a continuing flu cycle with the beginning of the annual flu season set to kick off when schools reopen in late August or early September 2020…and classes will not be going back to normal as social distancing rules are already in place including half classes with half of the year at home and online. This whole COVID event has embedded fear, worry and panic within the minds of our childrenWhat this amounts to is psychological terrorism on our children!

The fear mongering on COVID-19 has already sparked public panic and anger in many countries, but in particular, there has been, and will continue to be, a huge backlash on all the people who are protesting government over-reaction and media propagation of mandatory mask wearing, social distancing, vaccines and the lock-down of society.

The lack of real investigation by mainstream media into the facts of COVID-19, the economic lock-down and mandatory mask laws imposed by government are major failures within our communities. They prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that we do not live in a just and moral democracy because a just and moral democracy requires that the government engage the doctors and professionals and investigate all aspects and positions, while investigative journalism, as an uncompromised media, informs the population. We have none of that.

The fallout and backlash by mainstream news believers on those opposed to the COVID-19 narrative is ramping up because those in fear of COVID-19 are feeling empowered by the government and media propaganda to publicly attack those not wearing masks or attack those who question the mainstream narrative. Violence will become more common and a deeper division within our communities will result if this COVID fear campaign is not ended soon.

The majority of people who continue to believe the COVID-19 narrative, are also in favour of the government push for mandatory vaccinations from vaccines that will miraculously appear from the “for profit only” pharmaceutical corporations embedded in collusion with the World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Western Economic Cartel.

Division of society by the western economic cartel is carried out through their close economic relationship with the mainstream media, political parties at all levels of government…and their collusion with the social media platforms and the major Internet search engines which have censored all opposing opinion.

Censorship has been rampant across the Internet over the past two years but since the COVID-19 narrative began, censorship on social media has been in overdrive silencing doctors, professionals and all voices that bring real data and a differing opinion on COVID-19.

Economic Trends and Fallout

What will also ensue during this false second wave will be more lock-downs and restrictions that will further the bankruptcy of small businesses which directly affects our communities. After all, the economy is made up of 60% small business; i.e. restaurants, bars, taverns, pubs, hair salons, barber shops, corner stores and a host of many mom and pop shops that cater to everything else.

Unemployment and bankruptcy will also affect the fraudulent real estate market that continues to inflate housing prices way past the point of affordability. All of this points to a major economic crash that will take everything away from the people and put it in the pockets of the banking and corporate economic cartel.

Those that stand to gain from the resulting economic crash are major corporations and / or billionaires with deep pockets looking to usurp all small enterprises to meet their growth requirements or to simply create a new corporate UBER industry out of the ashes of small business bankruptcies such as, for example, a consolidated hair salon / barber shop industry…all connected to a digital monetary banking system that will account for all revenue, taxes and tips…And of course, mega fast food corporations will certainly benefit from the closure of the many family restaurants that compete against them. In fact, Ontario Canada has just imposed a new law where all patrons of restaurants will have to give up their personal information on who they are, where they’ve been, who they’ve been with, and all their info will be held by the restaurant for 30 days! That will definitely hurt small business restaurants, especially when they do not have a drive through or delivery service.

And what to do with the hundreds of thousands of grounded planes? What about the millions of jobs in the airline Industries? There is only one trend and direction that can happen here without total bankruptcy, and that is consolidation of the Industry with a huge reduction in services.

The Airlines not bailed out during this COVID-19 scam will eventually be consumed by larger corporate airlines through economic consolidation…the aviation Industry will not return to peak business levels again unless by some miracle the economy suddenly grows and puts everyone back to work…but when the global economy severely contracts due to the over reaction of COVID-19 with no end in sight, well then its safe to assume that growth is not going to come back anytime soon. Besides, the economic system was already on its way to collapse before the false pandemic was enacted.

As a result of closed borders and mandatory two-week isolation, tourism is still on hiatus in most of the World and of course that affects small business as well.

If you believe that your government is acting in your best interests, think again. Ask yourself, what was the last thing they did that didn’t involve corporate or banking profits?


Big Pharma companies are “for profit only” organizations that have no concern for the human population. The only things they are concerned about is their bottom line and profit margins. Would you really trust a corporation who's very existence is to make money from you anyway they can with a vaccine that could earn them hundreds of billions of dollars?

Like all other corporate Industries tied to the economic cartel, Pharmaceutical companies have a long history of dishonesty and criminal behaviour when it comes to their economic viability. Any corporation whose viability depends on a vaccine rushed to market during an economic collapse due to the very flu the vaccine was designed for, is going to be a fraud and a huge money maker for the corporation that produces it…and the sad thing is, people will believe that a vaccine will save them from a corona virus that has already mutated and evolved…the thing is, everyone has probably already had COVID-19 and didn’t know it since the symptoms for the 2019 corona virus in the majority of people is mild. People must not think they have an immune system.

If we look at elderly care homes, where most of deaths from COVID-19 happened, there are rules that force all residents to have mandatory flu shots once or twice a year. And so as I look back on my own experience of having had a parent in an elderly care home, residents had their mandatory vaccination during the flu season. As I visited my mother 4 or 5 times a week over a six-month period, I noticed an uptick in resident deaths shortly after the flu vaccine was administered. Familiar faces were gone and new ones appeared, ambulances were a common sight during this time and that was 2015. That is not to say that the vaccine alone causes death in the elderly even though by taking the vaccine you are injecting your system with a virus including additional poisonous ingredients within the vaccine, but the annual flu also claims lives in exactly the same manner and numbers every year.

The flu vaccine is created by a for profit pharmaceutical company and its product is always a guesstimate with a 70% miss rate. That’s because the virus always mutates into a new virus every year…and every year the very young with undeveloped immune systems and the elderly who have additional medical conditions die from the annual flu.

Given that all vaccines contain harmful toxins to humans including mercury, and aluminum, there is a real concern that vaccines do more harm than good to everyone especially the young and elderly.

Most people are unaware of vaccine risks because the mainstream media does not do their job with investigative journalism, health organizations discount the risks and our governments refuse to investigate and would rather rubber stamp corporate products that generate revenue while exempting pharmaceutical companies from liability.


Mandatory Mask laws are going into effect in nation after nation as the fear-mongering by government and mainstream media begins its second wave.

It’s bad enough that censorship of doctors and professions is raging across the Internet and removing any dialog or real information on masks and COVID-19; but it is another thing to see and experience fearful people harassing and lashing out at those not wearing masks. People have become so entrenched in their beliefs that they are actually fist fighting each other over mask wearing. Society has been divided and increasingly, we are at war with each other over a mask. We are being conditioned to “Obey” government directives regardless of how dystopian those directives are and those who obey feel empowered to lash out at those who do not.

Masks do not prevent COVID-19. They do more harm than good especially when worn for long periods of time.

The Future Unveiled

The World Economic Forum has just released a very disturbing video on how they will proceed with opening up society while maintaining that COVID-19 is here to stay. Their vision is fear based and totalitarian and proves what many of us in the alternative news have been saying; that our future will be locked down in submission to government directives which will force people to be tested often, vaccinated annually, and provide proof of these soon to be mandatory measures or you will not be allowed to participate in society. i.e. Schools, work, sports, entertainment venues and sports stadiums, shopping malls, food stores or access to any buildings including courts, banks and government offices without feeling the penalty of the law.  


This is a classic move by dictatorships where a problem (COVID-19) is created to raise fear levels for a while and then they provide you with their planned dystopian solution for society to remedy the the expense of your freedom.

All of this for a virus that has a 99.98% survival rate. This COVID-19 operation is not about your health, it is about absolute control of the global population!

Masks Are a Psychological Preparation for Mandatory Vaccinations


Humanity is being corralled and forced into obedience by the state whose directives come from the United Nation’s World Health Organization which is compromised and funded by Pharmaceutical corporations, banks and special interests such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation within the western economic cartel. To continue down the path that they prescribe is to march humanity straight into global totalitarianism without any means of redress.

Border closings, travel restrictions and lock-downs, have put an end to our freedom of movement. Shutting down investigative journalists including Doctors and professionals by censoring real data on COVID-19, virology, corona virus’s, vaccines and the dangers of prolonged mask wearing is an attack on press freedom and free speech. The act itself closes down all avenues of redress.

Anyone who opposes the oppressive COVID laws that governments have imposed on their citizens is met with severe punishment, jail and or heavy fines…

The economic depression that will unfold has the potential to cause a massive die off due to mass unemployment, evictions, food shortages, isolation, forced compromise on the immune system, collapsing health care systems and the repression of the population by economically compromised governments.

We no longer have our freedom of movement or freedom of speech nor is there real democracy anymore when all political parties are compromised by the corporations and private banks of the economic cartel. Human rights are limited to what our governments dictate, and freedom of the press has long since been removed from mainstream media while alternative Independent press is heavily censored. The freedoms we once experienced in North America and Europe are gone…

What is happening around the world right now is the deliberate destruction of the global economy and the most affected are the small businesses that make up the bulk of economics in our communities. It’s the final act of consolidation and consumption of our communities by large corporate and private banking interests where any form of resistance will be crushed by the state. The actual face of the monster that controls our world has been revealed and it is pure evil…is this the world you want to live in or leave to your children and grandchildren?

VIDEO: Agenda 21


Quebec Mandatory Face Mask Law

UK Mandatory Face Mask Law

Australia’s second biggest city enters strict new corona virus lock down

Facts about COVID-19

People attacked for not Wearing Masks

NewOntario law requiring personal info for dining in prompts privacy concerns

Physical distancing, mask-wearing could be in place for 2-3 years even with vaccine, Tam warns

Vaccination– Basic Concerns

Dirty Vaccines – Every Human Vaccine Tested

Exempting Big Pharma from COVID-19 Vaccines Liability

AreFace Masks Effective? The Evidence

Masks Are a Psychological Preparation for Mandatory Vaccinations

Could this COVID-19 ‘health passport’ be the future of travel and events?

VIDEO: The Mirror Project - AGENDA 21 - What Is Really Happening

Additional LINKS:

CoronaVirus Facts

Australian state of Victoria to deploy military as police face resistance to Covid-19 orders

Melbourne cops may now enter homes without warrant, after 11 people in care homes die of Covid

The Science and Law of Refusing to Wear Masks: Texts and Arguments in Support of Civil Disobedience

Why COVID-19 was Used to Bring Down the Economy

Proof that puts an end to the Sars-CoV-2 Narrative

If People Get Jabbed After Watching This, They Are Beyond Hope

DR. Roger Hodkinson - Over-reaction and Failures of Govts on COVID

Dr Andrew Wakefield Warns - This Is Not A Vaccine

Doctors Giving their Professional Opinion on Current Medical Events

Epidemiologist Dr Knut Wittkowski - 'There is no fundamental difference between the flu and COVID'

New Book - The Activist Poet - Volume 2

Important Info 2020 - 2021

Syria 2020 - 2021

The Julian Assange Story & Updates

Lost Civilizations of Our Past

World United Music